Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day?

Beth has the most darling pink outfit with a little heart on it. 
I planned for her to wear it on Valentine's Day for weeks. I imagined darling pictures of my two darling daughters looking Pinterest-worthy in their festive-ness. 

Here's what I got: 

Yep, darling Beth and Aubrey having a tantrum for no discernible reason. Sigh. 

It is a cute Valentine's outfit, isn't it? 

I tried to get Aubrey to smile, but ended up documenting her tantrum instead. 

Luckily she perked up later when I gave her a cookie. 


  1. Bahahahaha - sorry, but it's always funny when it's someone else's kid! They are very cute tantrum throwers.

  2. I find it hard to believe this adorable girl can throw a tantrum. Not possible! :-)
