Tuesday, March 12, 2013


What kind of Librarian-turned-Mommy would I be if I didn't take my little boo-boos to the library every so often? Not a very good one! So I decided to document one of the few times we get out of the house. 

Our library branch has a great selection of board books. 

Aubrey likes the fish tank. 

She climbed right up on this couch after she found a couple books she liked. It was the cutest thing. Except for how she was singing her delight at the top of her lungs. It activated my shushing reflex and I had to tell her to be quiet since there were a bunch of people working on computers behind her. 

Aubrey loved this carpet with letters and numbers. She can identify almost all the letters and calls every number 2. I call her a genius. She just turned two and she can practically spell! Too bad I can't really take much credit for it. She learned it all from SuperWhy!

We even found a book for Beth!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day?

Beth has the most darling pink outfit with a little heart on it. 
I planned for her to wear it on Valentine's Day for weeks. I imagined darling pictures of my two darling daughters looking Pinterest-worthy in their festive-ness. 

Here's what I got: 

Yep, darling Beth and Aubrey having a tantrum for no discernible reason. Sigh. 

It is a cute Valentine's outfit, isn't it? 

I tried to get Aubrey to smile, but ended up documenting her tantrum instead. 

Luckily she perked up later when I gave her a cookie. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Beth's Adventures

Beth has made a lot of progress these last couple of months. She is a really happy baby and seems to smile all the time. Especially when you go to her room to get her out of bed. 

She inherited Aubrey's high chair when she started solid foods. 

Aubrey was pretty upset the first few times Beth sat in this chair, but she's over it now. 

She loves toys. 

And her feet. 

Sometimes she gets stuck. 

Beth has used the Bumbo, but I'm afraid she will launch herself out of it one of these times. 

She loves eating and has two little teeth popped through on the bottom.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Aubrey's Adventures

Aubs has had lots of adventures in the last few months. She has absorbed lots of changes like a champ. 

She got a new bed. 

She loves going to bed. When I say naptime or bedtime, she runs toward the stairs yelling, "Nigh-nigh!" After she gets ready for bed she can not wait for John and I to leave. She burrows under her blankets and sings herself to sleep. 

She got a new booster seat at the table. She wanted her baby to try it out first. 

Aubrey does great with eating. We're still working on not throwing food and keeping milk right side up, but it's nice to have a full table. 

She loves SuperWhy! and got to meet AlphaPig. Sadly, Mommy forgot to bring the camera. But we got a picture of her with her SuperWhy! mask. 

She still loves the camera.