Sunday, May 1, 2011

Aubrey-girl in the NICU

Aubrey has been in the NICU for 57 days, her whole little life.  I wanted to share some pictures and record some things about life in the NICU.

Meeting Dad for the first time:

Meeting Mom for the first time:

This is what her very first diapers looked like:

Diaper beside a quarter.  Go ahead.  Pull out a quarter and see how small that diaper really is.  
This is the first time I got to hold her:

Her first time accessorizing:

Aubrey's set up in the NICU:  

This screen shows her heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation. 
Changing her diaper.
Daily Weigh-In.
We bring in blankets from home to cover and decorate her isolette.
Aubrey letting us know what she thinks of getting her picture taken:

Just kidding - that's her fourth finger, not her middle!  She does smile sometimes.  I don't really care if it's not on purpose!  She's getting much cuter:

She is working really hard on learning how to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing so she can eat from a bottle and come home to us.  This is a picture of her practicing while her meal is pumped into her stomach via a tube through her nose down to her stomach:

She's getting big and working on all the things she needs to learn.  We love you, baby girl!


  1. Wow, I'm so out of it. I didn't even know you were pregnant. I hope she gets to come home soon! Oxoxjannica

  2. Sara, she is beautiful! And you are such a darling little mommy. Miss you!

  3. Aw - love the pics. So cute!! I think she looks like you in your baby pictures!!

  4. Yeah for making so much progress, go Aubrey! (and I'm glad you started a blog)

  5. She is growing so fast, I love how much hair she has. I love the new pics!! Thans

  6. Love this post! She is so cute. I loved the picture of her first time accessorizing.

  7. A special mother's day wish to you!

    Have a wonderful day!
