Aubrey is really into shoes right now. She is surprisingly good at walking in mommy's shoes, which she loves to try on.
You may also notice her short haircut and cool new glasses. She is growing up really quickly! She helps with the silverware.
Beth is starting to feed herself. She wants to grab the spoon all the time and took to the sippy cup with no problem. I was dreading introducing it because Aubrey was so resistant to it. I should know by now that these two have their own personalities and do things their own way!
Grandma Janis sent a Little People Ark to the girls and they love it. They both play with it almost everyday. It has given us a reason to teach Aubrey the word, "Peacock."
Aubrey loves "Signing Time" and she has learned a ton of signs. It has really helped boost her confidence with communication and build her vocabulary. She watches it (at least) once a day.
She loves cuddling in blankets and cocooned herself here even though we have the AC going non-stop.
We once got a book from the library about a cat who made a train out of colored chairs. That was months ago, but I guess Aubrey remembers it because she has been making trains with her colored chairs.