Friday, November 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I have been very crafty this season, in spite of the nausea.  Our Relief Society had a craft night for the quarterly activity.  It was really fun and I made two things.

The first is a Christmas tree.  John helped do all the sanding before the activity and I did the painting and putting together.










The second craft was a Christmas Countdown.  Again, John helped with the sanding and I did the painting and putting together.









You turn the blocks each day so it shows the number of days until Christmas.

Today we got out all of our decorations and put up our tree.  Here's a picture of the lovely tree.  John put the tree together and did all the lights (the hard part!) and we put the decorations on together.











Merry Christmas, everyone!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Reason BYU Started Winning










John got this awesome cycling jersey for his birthday.  He has been wearing it for games and giving the team good luck.  Go Cougs!

Buns in the Oven

Here's a little update on the babies:

Me at One Month.  This was a couple of days after we found out.











Me at two months.











Me at three months.  This was taken today.











We have doctor's appointments this week so we'll probably have more updates soon.  One trimester down, two to go!